think that because I’ve finally lost a lot of weight, everything’s great and I
no longer have a weight problem. Not
true. Quite the contrary! I continue to struggle often. In fact, it’s worse now that I know what it
means to let my food addiction take over.
I also know that if I gain all the weight back, I’ll die inside and I doubt
I’ll be able to recover.
My name is Vilma, and after a lifelong battle with obesity, I'm finally winning the war after losing 135 lbs. (so far)! I titled this blog "Blossoming Vilma" because that's exactly how I feel: I'm finally blossoming into the person I always wanted to be. I detail my journey here in the hopes that people can take something away that will turn their lives around, too! Whatever path you take, good luck on your journey for a healthier, happier you!